The MAGB Health, Safety and Environmental Forum are a group of practitioners from the member companies, equally balanced with some having many years of operational experience within the malting sector and others who bring experience and ideas from a range of other industries. All are directly involved with the management of HSE within the company they represent with the aim of the forum to continually improve safety performance in the sector by preventing accidents and ill-health within the industry through excellent risk management by proactive initiatives following the hierarchy of control and worker consultation and involvement.

Annually member companies are requested to submit accident, injury and workplace ill-health statistics to the MAGB secretariat to allow collated statistics for the UK malting sector to be produced. The industry is proud of the fact that information supplied by the Health and Safety Executive demonstrates that they have a better than average record in respect of accidents at work.

Representing best practice advice available and considered pertinent after consultation within the membership and incorporating external advice, this document shows how the Health, Safety & Environment Forum tackle the top 5 critical risks in the workplace can be viewed here

Industry Guidance documents, prepared by the Health, Safety & Environment Forum, are available here.

The Forum includes discussions on environmental issues that gave rise to the production of the industry’s Environmental Strategy Document.

Many member companies hold ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2018 accreditations which requires setting of objectives and targets to ensure that continual improvement is achieved in the minimisation of environmental impact and energy efficiency.

MAGB Member companies have pledged their support to the health and safety improvement objectives set out in the HSE Food and Drink Manufacturers Forum’s (FDMF) Common strategy document and play an active part in biennial meetings of the FDMF through representation by the MAGB Health, Safety & Environmental forum chair or designate and the executive director of the MAGB.